Recent anime recommendations

anime recommendationsThere are so many new releases of anime that come and go every year, that it’s easy to miss the gems. I thought about the various shows I’ve watched in the past two years and which ones I enjoyed the most. These may not be to your taste, but I’m going to talk about three anime series that I think are generally enjoyable to watch. My recent anime recommendations!

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A guide to switching to a Japanese MVNO

Switching a sim card into the phone

If you live in Japan, you might be paying too much for a Japanese cell phone contract. I recently switched to a Japanese MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) and couldn’t believe the difference in my monthly bill. What if I told you that your monthly bill could go from 4000-5000 yen ($40-$50) to something around 1600 yen ($16)? That’s some major savings. I’m going to talk about the current major carriers, the differences, and how to switch to an MVNO.

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Rental Stores in Japan: Still Alive

rental stores in japanRenting movies from a store is a pastime that has died out in the U.S. Why are rental stores in Japan still alive and kicking? A lot of it has to do with consumer culture, and the way that rental stores manage their stores.

Sure, people in the U.S. have it pretty good now. So many movies and TV shows are now available on demand through services such as Netflix, Hulu, and more. What if I told you that most people in Japan still go to rental stores to rent and return movies?

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